Prior to your first appointment in the studio,please see below for updated studio policies: 


PLEASE do not come in if you are exhibiting any of the followingsigns and symptoms:  

  • coughing, sneezing, or shortness of breath
  • fever, chills, runny nose, or fatigue
  • or, if you live with someone who has these symptoms
If you arrive and are experiencing any of these symptoms you will be required to return home. 

What we are asking of YOU

  • Phone screening: the day before your appointment, expect a phone call from us regarding your current health status. 
  • Mask use: we will require you to wear a mask during your appointment. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you at a cost of $2 that will be billed to your account.
  • Temperature screen: we will take your temperature with a no touch thermometer upon entering the building, and if your temperature is above 100 degrees you will be required to leave. 
  • Pilates socks: moving forward, we will require the use of socks for all appointments. If you do not have Pilates grip socks, they are available for purchase in the studio. 
  • Hand washing: upon entering the studio you will be required to go directly to the restroom to wash your hands before starting your appointment. We also suggest you wash on your way out.
  • No waiting room: please wait in your car or outside before your appointment time and leave directly after. At this time we are prohibiting the use of exercise bike, elliptical, treadmill, and stretching equipment outside of your appointment time in order to minimize the number of people in the studio.
  • Payment: please communicate by email info@stabilityatlanta.com or phone (404)303-9153 regarding your scheduling and payment. We will be accepting payment for all appointments over the phone only to minimize contact. We encourage you to maintain a CC on file to be charged only upon approval.
  • Supplies: as supplies are limited, please use your own hand sanitizer when possible. We will have some if you are out. 
  • Touchless greetings and goodbyes: as much as we have missed all of you, we ask that you continue to practice social distancing guidelines for maintenance of 6 feet apart unless necessary
  • Water: please bring your own, full water bottle as we will be removing the beverage area for now.
  • If you have to bring in personal items, please use the lockers in the bathrooms to reduce clutter in the gym.
  • We cannot allow extra family members, drivers, or assistants to wait in the waiting area at this time. Please wait in the car or outside. 

What WE are doing: 

  • All staff will be wearing masks.
  • Staggering appointment times to allow for ample and thorough cleaning of equipment and space between clients. 
  • Hourly thorough sanitization of high touch surfaces throughout the studio.
  • Continued stringent cleaning policies of all equipment.
  • Minimizing use of tactile cues in Pilates maintaining 6 feet of social distance as much possible.
  • Physical therapy: disposable covers for PT tables, sheets as protective linen
  • Minimizing numbers of clients and staff in the studio to allow for ample space between clients in the studio.

We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding these policies. 

Stability Staff



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