Pilates is for EVERY-body

“Pilates is for celebrities.”“Pilates looks really hard.”“I’m not in shape enough to do Pilates.”… these commonly heard phrases are NOT true. Pilates is for every body at any point across the lifespan and programs can be tailored to your specific needs. Men, women, adults, and children can ALL benefit from Pilates training. When we step out of our comfort zone and try something new, it can be scary at first. If this is your first time considering a Pilates program, here is what to expect: 

  1. Expect to start with the basics: As you learn different exercises on a variety of apparatus (a fancy word for exercise equipment), you will learn how to engage your core musculature while aligning and moving your body in ways that give you a safe and efficient workout.
  2. Expect to start slowly: Pilates is similar to most activities and skills in that each session builds on the next. In order to get the most out of each exercise it is important that you become great at the fundamentals. While some Pilates sessions and classes can leave you drenched in sweat, the first few sessions will focus on reviewing Pilates principles and will give you the confidence to master your movement.
  3. Expect to have an open dialogue with your instructor: We want to know your specific goals because all of our clients are different. Are you recovering from an injury? Do you have a goal of completing a 5k? Are you trying to return to your fitness following pregnancy? Let us know so that we can help tailor your strength and flexibility program to YOU.
  4. Expect to feel confused at some point: This is a brand new exercise program. You are going to be moving your body in ways that you haven’t moved before. You will also be concentrating on your breathing more than ever before. You will hear us tell you to “inhale” and “exhale” and you are going to use your breath to help you move. Pilates is a constant learning process. Don’t expect to be perfect. No one is. Be patient with yourself and open to feedback.

  Written by Megan HunterStability Logo


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