Healthy Eating Tips

Here are some healthy eating tips for looking and feeling your best this summer:

  • Eat small frequent meals – every three to four hours is best
  • Include protein at all meals and snacks – but keep it lean and low-fat
  • Avoid fat-free products – they tend to be loaded with sugar and/or salt to compensate for the fat being removed
  • Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day – more if you’re sweating with exercise and the warmer temperatures
  • Stop eating three hours before you go to bed – going to bed on a full stomach can prevent you from getting your best sleep
  • Don’t drink your calories – avoid sugar sweetened beverages like sweet tea, lemonade and soda
  • Avoid eating directly out of packages or containers – it’s too easy to mindlessly grab one more piece or bite – instead portion out what you’re eating on a napkin or plate
  • Don’t eat in front of the television or computer – be mindful about what you are eating and enjoy it

Written by Alisa Winters AlisaAlisa Winters is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian with a Masters Degree in Nutrition.  Alisa has been a RD for eleven years and specializes in healthy eating, weight loss, diabetes, and cardiovascular wellness (i.e. high cholesterol, high blood pressure).  Healthy eating and healthy living has always been apart of Alisa’s life, even at a very young age.  She always knew she wanted to be in a field where she could help others to live their healthiest life.  Alisa has an individualized approach to help each client meet his or her unique needs based on whatever goals he or she has in mind.Alisa was born and raised in Dunwoody and Sandy Springs, and currently lives in Sandy Springs with her husband, two children and dog.  A fellow Pilates enthusiast, Alisa enjoys all types of exercise. 


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