National Physical Therapy Month

 Did you know that October is National Physical Therapy month?

 Read below for more information on the profession and how it may be able to help you!

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What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a dynamic profession that helps to restore, maintain, and promote your body’s optimal physical functioning. It works to enhance your health, well-being, and quality of life. Physical therapists play a vital role in today's health care environment and are recognized as essential providers of rehabilitation, performance enhancement, and preventative services.

 What can you expect in a Physical Therapy treatment session?

Physical therapists use a variety of techniques to address individual needs including: manual (hands-on) therapies, therapeutic exercises and stretches, modalities for pain relief, neuromuscular reeducation, balance and gait training, and education to improve recovery and prevent an injury reoccurrence.

Who needs Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is provided for individuals of all ages who have or may develop physical impairments or limitations relative to any body system.  It can also address the negative effects that attribute to personal and environmental factors as they relate to human performance.

Do I need a prescription from a physician for a Physical Therapy evaluation?

No. In the state of Georgia, you can have a physical therapy evaluation without a prescription from the doctor. If physical therapy is indicated, you can be treated for 8 sessions or until 21 days have passed from the initial visit, before your physician needs to send a prescription.

If you feel you may benefit from Physical Therapy services, call us for an appointment or visit our website!


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