Exercise: Fitness Circle Arm Squeeze

EXERCISE OF THE DAY: Fitness Circle Arm Squeeze with Legs in Tabletop

 Lying on your back, gently cinch by pulling your low belly in.  Use lower abdominals to tilt pelvis up towards ribs, flattening back into mat.  Maintain this imprint position.  Bring one leg into tabletop, use abdominals to bring other leg into tabletop without losing imprint.  At this point, it should feel like the lower abdominals are holding the legs in tabletop.

With hands holding fitness circle, elbows straight, and arms are over chest.  Draw shoulder blades down your back allowing chest to open.  Gently squeeze fitness circle while shoulders draw down your back.  Feel muscles in-between shoulder blades activate.  Slightly release pressure on fitness circle.

fitness circle exercise

Written by: Autumn Dawson


EXERCISE OF THE DAY: Hip Adduction with Fitness Circle


New Instructor for Stability : Heather