Frequently asked questions about Pilates.

STOTT PILATES logo   What is Pilates?Pilates, pioneered by the late Joseph Pilates, is a mind-body exercise system designed to strengthen the weak and challenge the strong.  When Joseph Pilates immigrated to New York, the local professional  dance community discovered that his conditioning techniques helped prevent injury and improve strength while maintaining long, even muscle tone. This sparked a vast following of this method of exercise.Is STOTT PILATES like Yoga?In some respects Pilates is like Yoga. Both are considered mind-body methods of movement; both emphasize deep breathing and smooth, long movements that encourage a mind-body connection. The difference is that while Yoga requires moving from one static posture to the next, Pilates flows through a series of movements that are more dynamic, systematic, and anatomically-based incorporating resistance equipment.  The goal with STOTT PILATES exercise is to strengthen the postural muscles while achieving optimal functional fitness.I have a bad back. Will I be able to do Pilates?Although you should always consult your physician before starting any fitness routine, a Pilates workout is gentle and controlled with no sudden jarring actions. It is more important , however that you work with a qualified instructor to ensure that you are doing the movements correctly.  An experienced instructor will be able to modify the exercises to accommodate your limitations, continually challenge you within your ability, and monitor your improvements.What are the benefits of STOTT PILATES? 

  • Builds core strength and stability
  • Improves posture and alignment
  • Increase flexibility, balance and coordination
  • Improves muscular balance and strength
  • Increases endurance and muscular tone
  • Prevents injury and heightens body awareness
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Relieves stress and back pain

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