Exercise and the Immune System

Science shows that the best way to achieve a well-balanced immune system is through a healthy lifestyle. This includes diet, managing stress, exercise and sleep. Exercise on its own helps to improve cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against a variety of diseases and therefore can contribute to a healthy immune system. It also promotes circulation which helps the cells and substances of the immune system to travel efficiently and freely through the body. Additionally, exercise helps to reduce or manage stress. The stress response, also known as “fight or flight,” weakens our immune function.  While we can’t avoid all stress in our life, and at times this response is necessary, we can respond to elevated levels of stress in healthier ways. This includes breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, and exercise.In Pilates, a combination of breathing and movement is utilized, addressing our needs for both exercise and stress management and optimizing our immune function. Make Pilates a regular part of your routine and you will feel the benefits both mentally and physically. (resources: health.harvard.edu)


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