Great Strides Walk

It’s that time again! Spring means it’s time to support our favorite fundraising cause – GREAT STRIDES FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS

As most of you know, one of our own has cystic fibrosis. Every year we support her by raising money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. You will see signs for the GREAT STRIDES WALK around the studio and we will be collecting donations. You can donate $5, $10, or more and your name will be displayed around the front desk.

Why is supporting the CF Foundation so near and dear to our hearts?

• The CF Foundation funds more innovative, groundbreaking CF research than any other organization in the world. They have invested hundreds of millions of dollars into CF research and drug development.o Autumn takes an innovative drug, which was developed from direct funding from the CF Foundation,that treats the underlying genetic cause of cystic fibrosis.o This drug costs $25,000 a month. But with co-pay assistance and support she only pays $15 a month.• The CF Foundation provides expert care for people with CF through their nationwide network of accredited care centers.o Atlanta has one of the largest care centers here at Emory.o Emory has received grants and funding for specialized research towards finding a cure for CF.• SUPPORTo They help people with cystic fibrosis and their families get the tools and support they need to lead healthy, productive lives, today.o They’re working diligently to ensure all people with CF have access to the best medical, educational and financial resources available.o They advocate on behalf of people with CF.o They help people with CF navigate health insurance and afford care.

You can also visit Autumn’s personal Great Strides page online and donate:


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